Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Post Hoc

So I have decided, loyal viewers, that celebrating anything remotely relating to a zombie apocalypse as fun would either result in my horrible death or end my life in a jail cell. Think about it people, you are reading a book or watching television and think "what would I do if I were Rick?" You know, that cop in "Walking Dead." You know that youre enjoying the story of the book or show. But the more you enjoy it the more you are detracting to the realness that could potentially be. I know for a fact that air force bases in the United States are actively training for triage during a zombie apocalypse.

Let me be clear with what I mean. If I allowed myself to be wrapped up in the fakeness of a zombie apocalypse story then, should the event actually occur, you and most others would not be prepared. And even if you were prepared? There is no garuntee that a head shot will kill a zombie. There's going to be a learning curve on how to survive. But rest assured, anyone with military experience will have a better survival rate because of their training.

The same could be said of course about realistic situations. Far too many people, men and women, often create an imaginary portrayal of how things should be. When this occurs a person will often miss what is right infront of them until something occurs to change things drastically. Love and the ideal are a perfect example of this.

Johnny just started dating, and hes been looking for that perfect mate which has a size 36 D breasts and a petite size waist, plays video games and enjoys the type of books that he enjoys...etc.  July is a girl whose really interested in Johnny but because she doesnt match his expectation he will never ask her out.

Or should they start dating some how, the problem of this discrepancy would come back to bite Johnny in the end. Because his neglect of July would make her feel disconnected and distrust him.

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